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To stain or veneer?

Oct 28th 2015


I am a working on a DIY project matching up my range hood which I have built with black kitchen cabinets. The hood is made of remnants, two kinds of wood, red oak and maple?

Will I get two different shades if staining two different woods with a black stain or should I just use a black veneer to cover all of it?

The mouldings are routed bullnose. I have the same question for those though I’m not sure if it is practical to veneer a 3/4 bullnose molding. Pictures attached.



In this situation there is more to it than just getting two different colors in the final finish. The issue is also two very distinct textures in that you have Maple which is smooth and Oak which has an open grain texture and no matter what color you stain it the different textures will stand out. You also have very different densities in that Maple being very tight grained hardwood vs. the open grain of the Oak, while still a hardwood it will absorb the stain very differently than the Maple. On the flat surfaces I would apply a 3 ply, wood on wood in maple if the bullnose is maple, if it is Oak the use an Oak veneer. This way you will have both a consistent texture and color in your final finish.

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